New Covid-19 rules for Phase-1 construction in Washington State

Superior Exterior Systems - 10 years - siding contractors
COVID-19 Update
March 23, 2020
Upward view of the side of a large home clad in new, dark grey siding
Make Sure You’re Prepared For Siding Replacement
February 5, 2025
Superior Exterior Systems - 10 years - siding contractors
COVID-19 Update
March 23, 2020
Upward view of the side of a large home clad in new, dark grey siding
Make Sure You’re Prepared For Siding Replacement
February 5, 2025

New Covid-19 rules for Phase-1 construction in Washington State

Great news for Siding Contractors in Vancouver, Washougal, Camas, Brush Prairie and Battle Ground!

We have been informed we can now get back to work, but not without taking safety precautions andSuperior Exterior Systems Covid 19 being sure we are all abiding by the strict COVID-19 measures in place. Be confident that Superior Exterior Systems and all our crew members have your safety in mind. Below are some of the precautions we have put into action now that we are back to work. We believe it is necessary everyone knows Superior Exterior Systems will be in compliance with the required safety measures when you hire us for your project.

COVID-19 Site Supervisors

A site-specific COVID-19 Supervisor will be provided by Superior Exterior Systems at every job site to monitor the health of employees and enforce the COVID-19 job site safety plan. This Supervisor will be available at all times during construction activities.

COVID-19 Safety Training

  • A Safety Stand-Down/toolbox talk/tailgate training will be conducted on all job sites on the first day of work, and weekly thereafter, to explain the protective measures in place for all workers. Social distancing will be maintained at all gatherings.
  • Attendance will be communicated verbally and our trainer will sign in each attendee.
  • COVID-19 safety requirements shall be visibly posted on each jobsite.

Social Distancing

  • Social distancing of at least 6 feet of separation will be maintained by every person on the worksite at all times.
  • Gatherings of any size will be precluded by taking breaks and lunch in shifts. Any time two or more persons must meet, we will ensure minimum 6 feet of separation.
  • We will identify “choke points”and “high-risk areas” on job sites where workers typically congregate and control them so social distancing is always maintained.
  • We will minimize interactions when picking up or delivering equipment or materials, ensuring minimum 6- foot separation.
  • To the extent practical, we will allow only one crew at a time on a jobsite and maintain 6-foot separation social distancing for each member of that crew. If more than one crew must be on the job to complete the job then at a minimum all crews must maintain social distancing policies in accordance with this guidance.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – Employer Provided

  • We will provide personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves, goggles, face shields and face masks as appropriate, or required, for the activity being performed.
  • Masks, in accordance with Washington Department of Health guidelines, or as required by Washington Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) safety rules, will be worn at all times by every employee on the worksite.
  • Eye protection will be worn at all times by every employee while on worksite.
  • Gloves will be worn at all times by every employee while on worksite.

Sanitation and Cleanliness

  • Soap and running water will be abundantly provided on all job sites for frequent handwashing. Workers will be encouraged to leave their workstations to wash their hands regularly, before and after going to the bathroom, before and after eating and after coughing, sneezing or blowing their nose.
  • When running water is not available, portable washing stations, with soap, are required, per WAC 296-155-140 2(a) – (f). Alcohol-based hand sanitizers with greater than 60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol can also be used, but are not a replacement for the water requirement.
  • We will post, in areas visible to all workers, required hygienic practices, including not to touch face with unwashed hands or with gloves; washing hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol; cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces such as workstations, keyboards, telephones, handrails, machines, shared tools, elevator control buttons, and doorknobs; covering the mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing as well as other hygienic recommendations by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
  • We will make disinfectants available to workers throughout the worksite and ensure cleaning supplies are frequently replenished.
  • We will frequently clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces on job sites and in offices, such as shared tools, machines, vehicles and other equipment, handrails, doorknobs, and portable toilets. If these areas cannot be cleaned and disinfected frequently, the jobsite shall be shut down until such measures can be achieved and maintained.
  • We will sanitize work areas upon arrival, throughout the workday and immediately before we leave, and will keep a personal distance of at least 10 feet from occupants of each home.
  • If an employee reports feeling sick and goes home, the area where that person worked will be immediately disinfected.

Employee Health/Symptoms

  • We have created policies which encourage workers to stay home or leave the worksite when feeling sick or when they have been in close contact with a confirmed positive case. If they develop symptoms of acute respiratory illness, they will seek medical attention and inform their COVID-19 Supervisor.
  • Employees will inform their supervisors if they have a sick family member at home with COVID-19. If an employee has a family member sick with COVID-19, that employee will follow the isolation/quarantine requirements as established by the State Department of Health.
  • We will screen all workers at the beginning of their shift by taking their temperature and asking them if they have a fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle aches, or new loss of taste or smell. Thermometers used shall be ‘no touch’ or ‘no contact’ to the greatest extent possible. If a ‘no touch’ or ‘no contact’ thermometer is not available, the thermometer will be properly sanitized between each use. Any worker with a temperature of 100.4°F or higher is considered to have a fever and will be sent home.
  • Any worker coming to work on a construction site in Washington from any state that is not contiguous to Washington will self-quarantine for 14 days to become eligible to work on a job site in Washington.

Job Site Visitors

A daily attendance log of all workers and visitors will be kept and retained for at least four weeks. The log will include the name, phone number, and email address of all workers and visitors. Workers will report to their supervisor if they develop symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g., fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle aches, or new loss of taste or smell). If symptoms develop during a shift, the worker will be immediately sent home. If symptoms develop while the worker is not working, the worker will not return to work until they have been evaluated by a healthcare provider.